If you have been diagnosed with gum pockets, or pocket depths that reveal advanced periodontal disease, you need to commit yourself to following a regular schedule of daily oral hygiene. Not only should you brush twice each day, you also need to floss daily as well. By taking these steps, you can, hopefully, start to reverse the progression of gum disease.
Keeping An Eye On Gum Pocket Progression
So, how do you keep an eye on gum pocket progression – the telltale clue that your gum disease is advancing? The only way to measure the progression of gum disease is to visit our office regularly. By receiving professional periodontal care and getting your gums checked, you can slow down and keep an eye on the development of gum disease. To ensure good results, we use a tool called a periodontal probe to measure gum pockets and determine pocket depth.
Considering Other Factors
Besides using a periodontal probe to measure pocket depth, we also have to consider the degree of bleeding and inflammation. For example, we may still be able to classify a gum measurement of 4mm as healthy, provided the gums are not inflamed and there is no bleeding. However, a depth of 3mm, which is normally considered healthy, may be determined to be a pocket if it is accompanied by bleeding and inflammation. Normally, a reading of 5mm means that the patient has experienced bone loss. To make a confirmation, we usually x-ray the area.
Along with a deep-clean or periodontal cleaning, you need to have your gum depths assessed regularly to ensure that your gum disease does not advance. If you have not had a periodontal check-up and your gums currently bleed, or are swollen or inflamed, give us a call to arrange for an examination and deep-clean today.